Credit for Life 2024 - students

Credit for Life Fair Additional Resources

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Congratulations! You're a credit for life graduate.
Now, keep the learning going!

You dedicated your time and completed the Credit for Life Fair and learned real-life money management and budgeting skills. Bravo! Now, commit to keep the momentum going and continue to learn about budgeting, finances, and how you can position yourself for success in the future...starting now!

FitMoney’s Financially Fit Certificate program will prepare you for your future plans from college to career. 

Over 1,000 students across the country are FinanciallyFit certified. With our new platform, you can be next!

 FitMoney certificate
Want to review what you learned or share with others? Check out the Credit for Life Money Modules brought to you by FitMoney. 

Topics include:
    • Paychecks & Taxes
    • Budgeting
    • Credit Scores
    • Loans
    • Student Loans
    • Credit Cards
    • Fraud & Risk
    • Insurance
    • Compound Interest
Our Collegiate Checking account is perfect for students!

Check out our Blog for tips on paying for college.

Article: How to Avoid Scholarship and Financial Aid Scams
Going to college, vocational school, or a certificate program can often help you move up in your career and make more money — but it can also be expensive. Scammers take advantage of that, saying they’ll help you get financial aid or scholarships to pay your tuition bills. Really, they’re just trying to take your money or steal your personal information.

Investing early can help you build healthy financial habits and prepare for the future. Even a small amount of money saved from summer jobs, family gifts, or scholarships can mean a head start in the market and the first step toward financial independence.

To Invest:

To Trade:
When you enter the workforce, it is essential to have a resume that will help your application stand out. Check out this great article on writing and formatting a resume from

14th Annual Credit for Life Fair
hosted by the Institution for Savings
Credit for Life informational video

WCVB: Rent, insurance, budgets: North Shore
high schoolers get crash course in 'adulting'
Published May 23, 2024
Thumbnail for Credit for Life 2024 WCVB YouTube icon

Credit for Life 2024 - Salem state university

May 23, 2024
Students at Credit for Life Students at Credit for Life K9 at Credit for Life
President & CEO Mike Jones & President John Keenan of Salem State University
Students at Credit for Life Students at Credit for Life Students at Credit for Life Credit for Life, students
Students at Credit for Life Credit for Life, students Students at Credit for Life Credit for Life, teachers
Students at Credit for Life

Credit for Life 2023 - Masconomet Regional High School

May 23, 2023
students dressed for success high school students at fair students at photo booth
safety and security amesbury students students writing letters to the troops
student and parent at fair dressed for success
students at fair
charitable giving booth transportation booth
money smarts booth
fun fun fun booth health and wellness booth
part time jobs booth
housing booth charitable giving booth
safety and security booth